Sally’s collaborative book with Robert Jacob is here! “Sarah’s Circus” is a tale of a young girl living in the rural Midwest during the Great Depression, who longs for something better in her life. When the circus comes to town, Sarah finds that making her dreams come true will mean a lot of hard work and ingenuity. “Sarah’s Circus” is a story about creativity, imagination, and learning how selflessness and the value of family can bring great rewards.
Inner pages of “Sarah’s Circus”
Final pages of “Sarah’s Circus”
Starting with the creation of "Wildlife on the Edge," in 1998 Sally has moved more and more in the direction of book Illustration and has continued to explore the element of writing.
From illustrations for children's books to articulated nature observations, she has collaborated with authors and story tellers to produce a varied and continuing body of work.
Works that are currently in print include, "Frederick and the Flute Maker," "Twila and the Treasure," and the "Violet-Covered Teacup."
Coming soon are "Chester, a Very Different Seagull" and "It's Henry's Choice," as well as "Sarah's Circus."