A roaster originally established by an Irishman; hence the exhausted monk... who has most likely risen early to pray, and is looking forward to his first steaming mug of rich brown coffee.
The goat represents a tale told to me by Victor, the Irish roaster, of shepherds in northern Africa, who observed their charges nibbling on the berries of local shrubs and getting friskier -- the shepherds emulated the goats and found they could stay awake longer in the Mediterranean heat... the shrubs were coffee plants.
Order up your own custom wooden box of coffee with the logo printed on it at sleepymonkcoffee.com.
A roaster originally established by an Irishman; hence the exhausted monk... who has most likely risen early to pray, and is looking forward to his first steaming mug of rich brown coffee.
The goat represents a tale told to me by Victor, the Irish roaster, of shepherds in northern Africa, who observed their charges nibbling on the berries of local shrubs and getting friskier -- the shepherds emulated the goats and found they could stay awake longer in the Mediterranean heat... the shrubs were coffee plants.
Order up your own custom wooden box of coffee with the logo printed on it at sleepymonkcoffee.com.